Saturday, February 27, 2010


We have had a very fun filled February! DD turned 7 years old. We have been having lots of fun with girl scouts, roller skating and a trip to Mountain View to see Bryce and Jen.

Opening package Grandma and Grandpa sent. Thank you!

Byrce and his friends MADE this video arcade game, it was awesome! The boys loved it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

We had a nice long three day weekend. DH had Monday off. What beautiful weather we are having! The sun is out and it's glorious. Today it is 68 degrees! 70 tomorrow! Spring has sprung and with it comes the dreaded ALLERGIES! DS1, DS2 and I sound like we have cotton stuffed up our noses. We have purchased mass quantities of Claritin and Kleenex. I hope to be able to breathe again someday.

DD with her V-day candy stash.

Pretty flowers, DS1!

DS1 helped me make dinner last night. He did a great job!

Thanks again to Hanna! I really did this post all by myself! What a great teacher she is!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh my gosh I'm starting a blog! Pamela S. I told you I'd say WORD!

Sweet! My friend Hanna is helping me get started on my blog. Don't be hatin' if it's so boring you want to fall asleep as you read it. When I told my friend Pamela that I was starting a blog she said the first thing I should do is mention her. So that is now taken care of.

Today we had craft day out our house. Laura brought the crafts and we had a blast. Craft days are the best. Thank you, Laura!

DD getting her craft on.

Ok. Seriously! There are TURKEYS here. You look out the window during a craft day and there are turkeys! Last year one flew into our window at 10pm and it sounded like a bomb went off.